Wednesday, January 19, 2011

January 19th

I had my dad take a few pictures of Olivia today, just in case she happens to be a finalist for a photo contest. It's weird, if you're a finalist, you have to send 5 more pictures taken between January 9th and 20th. SO it's almost like you have to assume you've gotten this far, because they don't tell you if you're a finalist until the 21st! Weird, huh? So here are a couple from today.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

January 13th

Quick post, I let Olivia paint with her dinner tonight to try and sneak in a few extra calories. As you may know, she hasn't been eating much lately, but my mom and Derek may have solved the mystery. She's had a lot of milk lately, so we're trying to decrease the afternoon intake to see if she'll eat dinner. First night was a success! I spread some nutella on her tray and gave her cheerios, and she had fun with it. Wish I'd taken a picture, but I did get a pic of her after (and the bath that followed). Enjoy!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

January 8th

Well, today was a busy crazy day. We slept in until 8, so the nap was late. Normally that wouldn't be a big deal, but we had to leave for gymboree at 11:50. So today I decided to do a bit of the cry it out method for Olivia. I've gotten into the bad habit of nursing her to sleep for naps and bedtime. Well in a few weeks I'm not going to pump at work anymore, which means no more nursing during the day! So, today I nursed her, but she didn't fall asleep so I thought, hey this is a perfect opportunity to get to her fall asleep on her own. So I put her in her crib, put her blanket on and said a quick goodbye. Of course she started wailing, and I walked out. She didn't cry for long though, but didn't go to sleep right away. She laid there for a while singing to herself. So, her first nap was only about 30 minutes. So we went to gymboree, where I was snubbed by a couple girls. I wanted to cry. But oh well, Olivia has fun there so I'll keep going and be a hermit.

Then we came home, Olivia refused to eat lunch (and breakfast, by the way), then played for a bit. Second nap was around 3:15, I nursed her and she stayed awake, so I put her in the crib but this time she didn't cry! Within 10 minutes she was asleep and so was I. She slept until 5:30, but then we had to wake her up again to go to Aunt Diane's get together. We stayed until almost 8 (she refused to eat dinner while there) when she completely fell apart. Came home, took her to bed and nursed her, put her in her crib awake and she went right to sleep! Yey!

So now I'm off to bed. Tomorrow we're going shopping at Target to spend our Christmas money from Grandma Baylay! Olivia needs more socks & pajamas (she might not eat, but she's still getting taller) and I think her room could use a cute wall clock. I never know what time it is while I'm in there nursing her.

Here's Olivia doing more walking (her steering could use a little work!)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

January 5th

Okay I think I got the privacy settings fixed! Hopefully now people will be able to look at it. :) Nothing new to report with Olivia, other than her pic. She was actually hugging a stuffed animal, so I had to capture the rare moment!

And I forgot that I took this a couple days ago, her having some crazy fun with a balloon! And with her new baby stroller.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

January 4th

Oooops, I said I was going to take a picture of Olivia every day starting this year, didn't I? Well, I'll start tomorrow, which is January 5th. hee hee. I'll post a few pics of her at the end of last year, on her 1st birthday. How's that for a compromise?

I also need to start recording some of the funny/scary/interesting things that happen with her, because I"m not going to remember everything. Last night Olivia discovered her ability to scream like a banshee! And boy did she find it amusing! To make matters worse, Derek decided to encourage this crazy behavior! He'd flail his arms around and shriek, which would have Olivia rolling on the floor laughing. Then she'd get up, throw her arms straight in the air and shriek as loud as SHE could! This went back and forth for a few minutes, until Olivia was red in the face and coughing. I laughed, but when she starts doing it all the time I'm going to be kicking Derek!

So this morning was Olivia's 1 year check-up. She's gained a "whopping" 5 ounces since her 9 month appointment. And Dr. Malik seemed a bit concerned that she only eats smooth food, and barely any table foods. He wants her to see a speech pathologist who specializes in feeding disorders. But...I don't know. On the one hand, I think I should call them (it's free, provided by the county, and if something is wrong it would be caught early), but then today she ate great. Maybe she's just picky. I'm going to wait the rest of this month, and see how things are after the cruise. I'm also hoping she'll start saying some words soon. We'll see.

So then this evening was bath time. I was by myself because Derek was working a bit late. Found out just how slippery she is....she was turning in the water and slipped and went underwater. So I went to pick her up and I couldn't get a grip on her! It was only a few seconds, but I finally got her above the water. Of course, then she slipped and went under again for another second, but I had a better grip on her. Needless to say, she was NOT a happy camper! Thus ended bath time. :) Ah well, hopefully she'll forget by Thursday, her next bath day.

Oh and one more thing to record...starting on her birthday, December 31st, she took two steps! And every day since then (uh, except today), she has taken at least one step without help from anyone. Yey Olivia!
Olivia in her favorite spot- tangled in my legs!
Olivia about to take two steps for the first time
Not happy about the mess she made
Ready to party for new year's eve, her second party of the day
Okay now I'll try to post a picture and event each night!